Joe's Market Report

Market Report- Week Beginning April 25th, 2022


What’s Hot


We have a good supply of BC ramps for this week, and we expect ONTARIO RAMPS to arrive for the week beginning May1st! We strongly suggest ordering ramps during office hours to ensure availability for next day service.


Ontario Asparagus is on the radar, approximately 3 weeks away. Washington Asparagus is arriving and is eating very well!


Ontario Hydro Strawberries are available and eating very well, especially compared to an imported strawberry.


Florida Corn is here, and prices have come way down. The timing couldn’t be better as quality is excellent, perfect for grilled corn as the weather improves.


Melons, in particular cantaloupe are at their peak right now- this is a BUYERS CHOICE ITEM!


We are also proud to announce that we have secured an excellent supply of Honey Glow Pineapple! They eat like candy and will be our primary pineapple until further notice. Pricing will be in line with a standard pineapple, what a value!


As we hit mango season, we have a beautiful Hayden Mango with a gorgeous blush, a perfect complement to our Honey Glow Pineapples.


We have a full selection of Ontario grown tomatoes, they are eating so much better than an import, and will be a great addition to late spring early summer menus.


Lettuce prices continue to soften from their peak, and appear to be trending down, great news as salad season arrives in force!



Items of Concern


Avocadoes are a major issue throughout the food supply chain. While we continue to have access to product, the cost of acquisition is remarkably high. We suggest limiting exposure to this item where you can.


We continue to source North American peeled garlic, as the quality of other peeled garlic options is sub-par.


Winter citrus is coming to an end, with Blood Oranges likely to be the first to leave the market.


Southern hemisphere grapes are entering their last few weeks of availability. Quality is high with elevated pricing.




Coming Soon


Ontario Ramps arrive next week! We expect these to be a hot commodity, so order early – we recommend ordering during office hours to confirm availability.


With the arrival of ramps, we can also expect fiddleheads to begin hitting the market. Keep an eye on our social media and your email for an announcement on availability.

